Here I stand before you. No clothing to hide my so many flaws. No jewelry to richen my shabby body. Naked. I want you to see me as I am. As I was born. Unable to hide anything. Unable to lie. Just as I am.
Do you like what you see, do you like me, or are you disgusted and sickened by what you see? For, I know that in this moment you can see my every secret. You can see the way my heart is beating faster and stronger only by seeing you again. You can see my brain cells functioning, remembering everything. For, I was dead for as long as you were gone and it was you the one who brought me back to life. You've done nothing, but breathed and woke me from my endless sleep. Why can’t I just scream out to you? Why can’t you just answer back? Is it that hard to forgive and forget? Is it that hard to leave everything behind? May I touch you one last time? May I kiss again those lips that brought so much pleasure to mine? My body is screaming for your touch.
I want you.
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